December 18, 2012

I didn't want to leave...

I had to leave early today to go to an appointment of my own. I didn't want to leave. The excitement and energy in my classroom is positively infectious. 

We had thee funniest moment this morning.  We were doing "Morning Message" on the Smartboard (you really must come in one day and see what this is all about. Seriously. Any day but Friday, we'd love to have you, just email me to arrange it.) 

Anyway, I don't know how it happened,perhaps your child recalls how it all got started,  but I think it was Christmas-related or maybe I had made a funny mistake. Anyway something funny had just happened and I was telling the kids how rotten they are and that I couldn't believe I had to spend my day with such rude little rudies.  They thought this was hysterical.  Yes, they laugh out loud at me when I call them rotten.  Yes, I called them rotten. I know. 

So we're laughing about how funny this is because the kids have just finished telling me that I'm the one who is naughty and I'm the one who will get coal this Christmas when sure enough, Mr. Deoni, pops his head into the room. Hearing all this laughter, he wanted to know what was so funny. 

I responded, "Oh good morning Sir.  I was just telling these wonderful children how wonderfully wonderful they all are."  

You should have heard the outrage. The kids all started tell Mr. D about what really was going on. I'll give them this, they know how to stand up for themselves!  I continued, "Please don't listen to them Sir. I was telling them what angels they are and that Santa would be filling their stockings with all kinds of wonderful goodies this Christmas because they are so wonderful."  

They weren't buying it. More outrage and the children were able to repeat word for word what I had said to them. It was not looking good for me.  

Eventually Mr. Deoni had a good laugh and said we were all a pretty funny bunch and that maybe what we really needed was a little more fresh air. 

After he left, we laughed and laughed.  

The other week, I mentioned that I love it when we have moments where we feel like a little family (it was a fellow blogger that uses that phrase, and I've borrowed it) and today was one of those days.  

We felt like a family, laughing so hard at our own little joke.  Poor Mr. Deoni, what a good sport he is.  

I just didn't want to leave.  

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