January 19, 2018

100th Day T-Shirt Fun!

I'll talk more about this with the kids in the coming days, but I'm so excited, I want to announce our 100th Day of School "project" today! It's not really a project-project, it's mostly just for a lot of fun and a great way to celebrate! 

We've been counting down to the 100th day since that very first day back in September. 

The hundredth day of school is a really big deal! 

I'm asking the boys and girls to design their own 100th Day t-shirt. They can use a new or old shirt, it doesn't matter, as long as it shows 100 of something! 

I'll ask the kids to wear them to school on Tuesday February 13th.  That's the day where we'll celebrate both the 100th day AND Valentine's Day!  

This project is limited only by imagination! I tried this back in 2015 for the first time and it was a real hit!  

Have a look at this post from that year to see some of the great shirts kids came up with!

100th Day of School 2015 


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